Sarah Shaw

Green Smoothie

Green SUPER Smoothie Ingredients: -A handfull of green baby spinach leaves -1 cup coconut water -Half a banana (-Sometimes 1/4 apple) -Teaspoon of Chia seeds  Method: Blend all together! = Yumo! Healthy and perfect start to your day! I have one for breaky most mornings! You may also add Goji berries; lemon; dates; Kale (a favourite […]

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Food Is Super

  I have been interested in health and super foods for quite some time, although I am not claiming to be an expert by any means. I have introduced a few super foods and alternatives to my family’s meals as economically as possible, much to my husband’s non impressed eyebrow raise! Its all about balance

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Ever Thought About Kale?

A favourite which can be snuck into so many family meals…. KALE! Kale is one of my favourite foods at the moment and ALDI’s sell it! Winning! A large bunch ranges from $2.50-3.50. I like to include it in my family meals throughout the week whether it be stir-fry, curry or meat and three veg

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