Saint Anselm – Saint Of The Week

Saint Anselm saintanselmofcanterbury

Feast: April 21

Doctor of the Church 

Anselm was handed down the faith from his mother, she taught him great piety. He cherished this as well as his love for learning throughout his life. Anselm was educated at a Benedictine monastery.  

Anselm wanted to join the Monastery at the age of fifteen yet was refused, so he prayed for God to give him an illness to change the minds of the monks. They still denied him even though God granted his prayer. So Anselm travelled for three years, seeking. He sought the guidance of monk Lanfranc and learnt from his abbey. He then joined the Monastery teachers and taught students.

Saint Anselm later was called to England by the Archbishop of Canterbury and was caught up in some political controversies there. He made appeals to Rome yet was banished because of them. He later developed into an “extraordinary theologian, negotiator, and stateman” (1). 

Anselm was made archbishop and continued this role until his death. He was a scholarly man. 

St Anselm,  pray for us. 





Originally posted 2015-04-21 04:11:21.

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