Mum’s Night Out ~ Movie Review


I have been meaning to write this review for a while now, seeing as I saw this movie about a year ago! Anyway here I am, as it needs to be written! And shared.

This was one of those movies that, I’ll be honest, I had low expectations for. It popped up on my set top box, available for rent. I figured it would be some light entertainment but most likely trash and superficial, like most of the romantic comedies hollywood drums out year after year.

I will say though, I was pleasantly surprised! This movie had me in tears!! And was truly heart warming.

Whoever made it truly knew how to touch the hearts of mothers. They knew what makes us tick, what our day to day life actually looks like. How sometimes we just want to go into a room and hide from the mess or eat a whole bag of chocolate! Not only that, they actually captured accurately the ups and downs of motherhood, the internal struggles mothers go through and that never ending cycle. How do we find peace? Am I enough?

To add to the list of pleasantly surprising aspects, this movie actually had a Christian message, intertwining in a beautiful way the power of God’s love in our lives.

It gave Motherhood the pat on the back it deserves, that it is a hard slog but it really is the most important job in the world.


Watch Trailer Below:


Originally posted 2016-05-19 15:00:28.

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