DIY Nursing Singlet


I’ve found this simple hack in numerous places around the internet, so have no idea which person or persons came up with the idea. But it is a good one! I pretty much live in these while breastfeeding. Great for modest feeding and keeping your tummy covered when the weather or baby’s hands are cold. And they’re cheap too!

You will need:

  • A singlet top, preferably one that fits reasonably snugly
  • Scissors
  • Needle and thread
  • Unpicker (optional)

Start by detatching the straps from the back of the singlet. You could cut these off close to the singlet back, or unpick them.



Then cut the straps off from the front, leaving a short length.



Looking at the singlet from the back, fold each short length of strap down so the fold is level with the top edge of the front.



Sew the strap in place to make a loop. Do this for both straps.



Voila! You are done!DIY Nursing Singlet


To wear, simply thread your nursing bra clips through the loops. To feed, just unclip your bra as normal. DIY Nursing Singlet





Originally posted 2016-03-31 15:00:39.

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