Nutritious Edible ‘Paints’ for Babies

This is kind of a no-recipe-required paint, but it is a neat idea if you are wanting to include your babies in the ‘sensory’ experience, particularly if you have older children who are painting. It is also a good idea to use if you want to introduce them to ‘baby-led-weaning’ and feeding themselves. It is fun and they can get themselves all messy without you having to worry about them eating toxic paints. Who knows, they may even gain a little nutrition along the way!

I found this idea on “Rainy Day Mum.” See method below.

What you need to make edible paints for babies:

Carrot (for orange “paint”)
Strawberries (for red “paint”)
Broccoli (for green “paint”)
Food blender
Saucepan or steamerbaby-playing-with-finger-paints
Vegetable peeling equipment

How you make edible paints for babies

With the carrot and broccoli – cut and put in a steamer or saucepan and cook as you would normally until super soft more so than if making puree’s normally. Put into the blender and blend until very smooth. With the strawberries put in blender with a little water once you have topped them and blend until smooth.

Using a similar idea put some of the “paint” onto a tray – we used our high chair tray but you could set this up on a tray on the floor or at a weaning table and let the babies experiment.


Edible paint for babies

Originally posted 2013-12-30 03:09:08.

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