Edible ‘Sensory’ Finger Paint

Here is a tasty twist on painting! Great for babies and toddlers. You can get them all involved without worrying about toxic paints and constantly staying “Don’t put that in your mouth!” It becomes a full on sensory experience, whether they want to paint with it, play with it or eat it! I found this recipe on the “Learn Play Imagine” website.
Edible Sensory Paint for Babies and Toddlers (1)


Originally posted 2013-12-30 03:05:40.

2 thoughts on “Edible ‘Sensory’ Finger Paint”

  1. Just watch out because the cornflour in this mixture starts to smell pretty grose after a while, as we learnt from experience – like somebody threw up! Not the sort if thing you want your kids making a mess with, eating, or expecting you to keep for years to come… Maybe try to use the whole lot up in a few sessions over a week or two!

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