Book Review: Raising God-First Kids In A Me-First World


This book appealed to me instantly. From the very introduction the author present the reasoning behind her book, and the humility that almost prevented her from writing it in the first place.

Barbara Curtis’ style is open, warm and engaging and never takes on a holier-than-thou tone. In fact, as she shares her own personal experiences of her conversion and her discovery of, and appreciation for, her vocation you can’t help but be inspired. I mean, this woman has raised twelve children including three adopted sons with Down syndrome.

Her advice is practical, simple and full of love. She particularly emphasises trying to obtain a parental style that is not too dictatorial and is, instead, full of grace.

Curtis died only six weeks after she finished writing this book and never saw it published. And yet, in some ways, as sad as that may seem she struck me as someone who would have been embarrassed by any publicity and would prefer to quietly go about her own business and live out her vocation as though nothing had changed.

Raising God-First Kids In A Me-First World is a good, and accessible read but it does pose challenging questions that will have you reflecting on your parenting style, your own spirituality and the influences that your children are exposed too.

Well worth the read!


Originally posted 2015-11-09 03:14:11.

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