Advent Activities: How To Make Christmas T-shirts (Day 21)

You can make these for your own children but they also make a nice handmade gift for other children at Christmas time. There are two options here but feel free to create your own designs!



You will need:

  • T-shirt
  • Ribbon
  • Sequins
  • Masking tape
  • Needle and thread

What to do:

Start by cutting nine, 15cm lengths of ribbon. Layout on t-shirt in a triangle shape. Pin at top and use masking tape to hold the design in place.


Pin at top and use masking tape to hold the design in place.


Hand sew the top of the ribbon tree first and trim edges. You will need to treat edges with either a fray stopper or a craft glue to prevent them fraying too much.

Working from one side to the other, hand sew the bottom on the tree design and trim to neaten shape. Once again you will need to treat the edges.

Sew on a sequin star, and other round sequins at strategic places along the design to keep the ribbon in place.



You will need:

  • T-shirt
  • Vliesofix or heat and bond (they work the same)
  • Material
  • Needle and thread
  • Iron
  • Ribbon

What to do:

1. Cut a simple rectangle shape from your fabric and from the vliesofix. Iron together.

2. Remove backing paper from vliesofix and place your fabric rectangle down in desired position, right side up, and iron in place.

3. Pin two lengths of coordinating ribbon across rectangle.


4. Sew around edges of the rectangle, making sure to sew the edges of the ribbon as you go along. You can use a simple blanket stitch as I have done or if you’re handy with a sewing machine you could opt for a more decorative stitch.

5. Using another length of ribbon tie and bow and sew onto design where the two pieces of ribbon cross over. Ensure you sew the bow so that it won’t come undone or you’ll be retying it constantly.


Voila! Two simple Christmas t-shirt designs that are sure to make a little child smile!

Originally posted 2013-12-20 03:54:09.

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