Saint Of The Week – Saint Rosalia


Saint RosaliaP00179

Feast: 4th September

Patronage: Palermo/Invoked against the plague.

Saint Rosalia, commonly known as ‘the little saint’, was the daughter of the Duke Sinibald and born in the 12th Century. She fled her family, to a cave on Mount Pellegrino (Sicily), to escape an imposed marriage.

She began to live a life of prayer and penitence as a virgin and hermit. She wrote on the walls of the cave that she was to live in the cave away and hidden from the world to show her love of Jesus Christ. She lived in complete isolation and died alone. She was in total communion with God throughout her hermit life.
Such a strange yet beautiful life. So unknown to the whole world, yet so pure in her love for God.
She is depicted with a crucifix; a skull and a rose.


Saint Rosalia, pray for us.



Book: Saints: A year in Faith and Art

Originally posted 2014-09-02 03:35:11.

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