Book Review – Rooted In Love

Donna-Marie Cooper O’Boyle is a familiar name in Catholic circles.

She is a bestselling author, a popular EWTN television and radio host and called Mother Teresa a friend. Her own life story is incredibly inspiring and every time she brings out a new book I have to admit that I get more than a little bit excited.

Rooted In Love is a book that helps mothers understand that they are not called to be perfect, that this life is fraught with challenges and adversity and that it is how we handle these challenges as Catholic women that show our faith to the world.

Indispersed with Bible passages, quotes from the Catechism, real life experiences, examples from the lives of saints, and wisdom from people such as Saint Pope John Paul II, Blessed Mother Teresa and Father John Hardon this book is a wealth of information as well as providing practical tips for coming closer to Christ and bringing him to others.

Because Cooper O’Boyle has experienced the demanding life of a wife and mother she is able to bring her experiences and her realistic advice to this book and her conversational style is very easy to read.

The book is divided into five sections which makes it able to be adapted for personal or group use and would make an excellent tool for a mother’s prayer group. There are questions at the end of each section which could lead to some thought provoking and interesting discussions.

I highly recommend this book to all women no matter what state or stage of life.


Originally posted 2015-10-01 12:00:53.

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