Meet The Team: Introducing Emily



Emily Shaw is a member of the Young Catholic Mums team and lives in regional NSW with her husband and their four children.

Where did you grow up?

I moved around a bit as a child, living in a few towns before my parents settled in Wagga Wagga in regional NSW when I was four.

What was your experience of Catholicism growing up?

I was raised in a Catholic family but they saw their religion as more of an obligation than something they really believed in; a truth to be lived. It wasn’t until I left school and started asking questions about my faith and how it related to life that I began to really love and appreciate my faith.

How did you meet your spouse?

After returning on fire for the faith after I attended the 2005 WYD in Cologne, Germany, I started up a youth group in Wagga Wagga and my husband was one of the first members. I was actually discerning a call to religious life at the time so I found him to be quite a distraction!

Where, when did you get married?

We got married at Saint Michael’s Cathedral, Wagga Wagga on September 1, 2007. Just over two years from when we first met.

What do you love most about being a mum?

That each day is a different day and each child is unique and brings something amazing to family life.

What do you find the most challenging about being a mum?

The demanding nature of raising small children – I’m an introvert so not being able to remove myself to a quiet place and recharge as often as I would like, in order to give more of myself, is quite a challenge.

Why did you join the YCM team?

When Sarah and Jill were making plans for the website I received a message from Sarah, forwarded to all young Catholic Mums she knew, asking for contributors. As a former magazine editor and journalist I was really excited to use my knowledge and experience to help support and grow such a great ministry.

What is your role at YCM?

I am a contributor to, and editor of, the website itself as well as being on the admin team for the Facebook page. I’m supposed to schedule articles as well but the ever efficient Samantha Forster looks after this and I’m freer to write and edit.

What do you enjoy the most about the YCM network?

Reaping the rewards of being involved in such a fantastic network. It’s one thing to want to raise your children Catholic in a world that is increasingly secular but it’s another thing altogether to be part of a like-minded network that supports, encourages and assists you to do this every day.


Originally posted 2015-09-03 12:00:21.

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