Lent Week 5: DIY Stations Of The Cross



Saint Joseph was the spouse of Mary. St Joseph was also the foster father of Jesus and apprenticed Jesus as a carpenter. Fathers like to keep pictures of their children to remind them of precious and important memories. You can make your own Stations of the Cross to remind you of Jesus’ love for you.

You will need:

  • Paddlepop sticks (at least 70)
  • Glue
  • Scissors
  • Pictures of the stations of the cross (I made my frames first and then adjusted the pictures to fit but to save time, print your pictures first and make your frames to fit them!)

What to do:

Using four sticks create a square frame. Glue in place.


Cut another stick in two pieces with one slightly longer and make a cross. Glue to top of the frame.


Cut your picture to size.


Glue to the back of the frame.



Repeat 13 times.


These are light enough to hang on your walls using Blu Tack.


Alternate idea: for smaller children you could just chose one picture of Jesus and make one frame.

 The images:

stations of the cross 1-4stations of the cross 5-8

stations of the cross 9-12stations of the cross 13-14

Originally posted 2015-03-18 10:30:04.

4 thoughts on “Lent Week 5: DIY Stations Of The Cross”

  1. I am wondering the same thing as Samantha, they are a great size,(small). And I just happen to have two huge blocks of paddle pop sticks!

  2. These look really good (and nice colours). I like how they are easy to make but robust enough to be brought out again next year.

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