Kids iPhone Prayer Cue


This kids iPhone prayer cue is an easy craft idea I used to use when I taught Kindergarten scripture in the state school in my parish. The assistant priest had spoken to the class on prayer and used the analogy that prayer is like making a call to God on our mobile phone. Mobile phones mean that we can communicate whenever and wherever we like and this is a great concept for children to learn in relation to prayer. Yes, there are times when structured prayer at specific times is important but learning about the value of spontaneous prayer helps them to foster a stronger relationship with Christ. This activity then, is a simple, visual, reminder for children that we can talk to God at any time; that prayer can be made whenever we feel as though we need to speak with our Creator.

What you need:

  • The phone image (at bottom of post)
  • White card (or white paper and some cardboard to glue it onto)
  • Sponge (or more cardboard)
  • Clear contact
  • Electrical tape or other strong tape

What to do:

Cut out images below.


Adhere to card for added durability. Cover with contact (or laminate).


Cut sponge, or extra cardboard to same shape as phone, glue in place.



Add tape around the edge for extra durability.


Image for printing:

God Calling iPhone image

Originally posted 2015-01-29 22:45:36.

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