Keep Up Those Kisses!



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Sometimes you may find yourself so busy that it is good to stop and think, how many cuddles and kisses have I given my kids today?

It can be so easy to rush around and forget that these little people need lots of love, attention and that mummy is listening to them.

When I was little, I remember that a hug from mum could fix anything!

When you have young children, they seem to constantly be at our side and sometimes in our way. Their curiosity and questions may seem pointless and frustrating, especially to answer them patiently over and over again.

“Mum, can I wear my pink shoes instead? Why did he get more milo in his milk than me? Mum, what are we doing today?” And, and on, and on they go.

So here is what I have found. Whether you have lost your patience, are in a rush out the door or overreacted with some situation, a kiss is so quick and easy to do!

When they wake in the morning, kiss them.

Before you rush out of the door to do groceries or for an appointment, kiss them.

When they appear around the corner, kiss them.

When they are playing well with one another, bend over and kiss them.

When they go to bed at night, don’t forget to KISS THEM!




Originally posted 2016-03-30 03:09:48.

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