Home Decor Made Easy!



Each of us will like our home decorated in a certain way, to our personal taste. Decorating our home does not need to be expensive, you just need to know what to do.

Here are some tips which I hope you find useful!

Bedroom Tips:

  • Use white sheets and a white bed spread. You will never get tired of looking at those white sheets. To add some colour to your room, add a couple of brightly coloured cushions or a throw rug on your bed. When you get tired of that colour scheme, simply replace those cushion covers.

Wall Decoration:

  • When hanging artwork up on the wall, try placing two frames of the exact size and print side by side.
  • Photos should be hung at eye level, unless they are very large frames or canvases.
  • Place a neat row of picture frames across the wall, filled with family photos, or creative artwork.
  • Hang one large mirror or an assortment of small mirrors.


Second hand stores can have a great variety of artwork, ranging between $5 and $50. Some are original paintings valued for quite a bit. Definitely worth a look at these stores before buying items at full price.

Check out more unique wall decoration ideas here!

Children’s Bedroom:

  • Avoid too many soft toys on the bed, this can make the room look messy.
  • Have a book shelf, displaying children’s books.
  • Choose a theme for the room and decorate with wall stickers (wall stickers are easily available from variety stores).
  • Use different coloured large flexi tubs to store various toys (dress ups, trucks etc). They are available from around $5 from Kmart/The Reject Shop/Bunnings.

Dining Table:

  • Don’t neglect that dining table of yours, click here for more ideas on pretty table centre pieces!

Use Small Spaces Well:

We may find that as our kids grow bigger, our house begins to feel smaller! Even though the space around us may be tight, here are some ideas to brighten rooms and also make them feel larger.


Use Reflecting light

This can instantly make a room feel more spacious. Mirrors can make light bounce around a room.

Choose ‘floating’ furniture design

Use bedside tables or furniture with legs so that it is raised off the floor. This allows light to flow through the furniture making the room feel more spacious and airy.

Go Monochromatic

Have one colour shade as opposed to many different colours around the room. This creates cohesion and makes a room feel more open. You can always add a few textural elements for variety.

Choose Lighter Colours 

Use light colours, especially for your walls and floor. Dark colours tend to absorb light. Bright colours create a more open, airy feel to a room.

Draw The Eyes Upwards


Use floor to ceiling curtains, bookshelves, pictures, mirrors or vertically orientated wallpaper. This will create the illusion of higher ceilings.

Choose Larger Pieces

One large sofa will actually make a room feel a lot bigger than having a few smaller chairs. The same goes for artwork; one large, bold painting has the ability to make a room feel more expansive. You may find that several smaller pieces will actually clutter up a small space.



Originally posted 2015-07-20 12:00:56.

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