First Aid Kit (Play) – Kid’s Craft

A fun ‘first aid’ play set for the kids, that can be made from house hold items. I saw this on one of those life style shows, ‘Better Home and Garden’s’ and I couldn’t resist making one myself (with a few changes) and sharing it with all of you!

Things you need:

  • White cardboard (I used paper plates)20131230_122107
  • White paper
  • Red paper or fabric
  • Red marker
  • Small plastic bottles
  • Box or mini suitcase to hold kit
  • Scissors
  • Tape/Glue/Stapler
  • String from an old gift bag

1. Create labels for the bottles and containers. Simple draw a red cross on some cut up pieces of paper and use sticky tape to fasten it to bottle (see below). Use whatever you have lying around the house i.e. old hotel shampoo and conditioner bottles.

 2. Find some other odds and ends around the house. Examples below.

A paddle pop stick, an empty packet of band aids, an eye dropper and plastic cup to drink the ‘medicine’.


3. Use some white fabric, maybe an cot old sheet to make ‘bandages’. I used an old reusable nappy sheet, use a small clip to fasten it in place.


4. Create a Nurse or Doctor “Hat”.

a) Cut a circle of cardboard. Draw a cross in the middle with red marker, or cut some red fabric/paper and staple or glue it in place.

b) Next cut a strip of fabric, you can use the same fabric as you used for your ‘bandages.’ Cut it long enough to be able to tie comfortably around your child’s head (like a headband).

c) Staple the cardboard circle to the strip of fabric. If you are worried about the staples scratching your child’s head staple the curved parts to face outwards. I found with mine the staples didn’t touch my girls heads anyway.


Make one for each child, I made two. Also make a third to stick on the front of your ‘suitcase’. See below:

kit box
kit box

5. You can also make a ‘stethoscope’ from whatever bits and pieces you have around the house.

a) I used some cord from an old gift bag. I simply undid the knots and removed from gift bag, then re-tied one end of the cord to the centre of the other cord (see below).

b) I then cut two pieces of cardboard to sit comfortably over my child’s ears (like sunglasses might). You may like to take a quick measurement of your child’s ear. Next, I stapled and sticky taped this to the two ends of the cord. You can colour them with a marker to match the cord if you like.

c) For the part of the stethoscope that you place on the heart. You can glue two dish plugs together (with the cord frayed in between), otherwise you could use an old milk bottle lid. Get creative. I had a little search around and found an old retainer case that I just closed over the end of the cord, and that worked really well!


6. Now last but not least, put it all in the kit box! You may like to find a few more small containers to stick labels on then add them to the kit as well. It will be hours of fun for the kids!

finished kit
Finished kit


Originally posted 2014-01-02 01:46:55.

1 thought on “First Aid Kit (Play) – Kid’s Craft”

  1. This is fantastic! My almost four year old is really into being a doctor at the moment and says she’s going to be a baby doctor ie. obstetrician when she grows up and she would love this!! Too clever!

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