Advent Activities: How To Make Jar Lid Ornaments (Day 20)

This is a very simple activity that is not time consuming and recycles things that are just lying around the house.

You will need:

  • Jar lids, cleaned and stickers removed
  • Strong craft glue or hot glue gun
  • Last year’s Christmas cards
  • Small amounts of ribbon, lace and other trims

What to do:

Start by cutting a piece of ribbon or string and gluing it to the lid. This is how the ornament will hang on the tree.


Glue lace as a border around the outside of the lid.


Cut a round image from a Christmas card and glue it into the centre.


To hide any rough edges glue a strip of trim around the picture.

 Leave to dry.

Hang on your tree!

Originally posted 2013-12-19 03:14:43.

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