Advent Activities: How To Make Stand Alone Stars (Day 18)


This is a simple paper craft activity that you can use in different ways. You could add string to the finished product and hang from your tree or you could use them as table decorations or even place cards for Christmas lunch!

 You will need:

  • Card
  • Scissors
  • Glue
  • Glitter, sequins if desired

What to do:

Mark two star shapes on your card like this:


If you aren’t very good at drawing stars you can use Word or Publisher to create a star shape and then once you print it out you can use it as your template.

Cut out star shapes and cut along lines so that the stars slot together. You will need to glue them into place to hold them together but you might find it easier to decorate them before doing so.

Decorate as desired.

Originally posted 2013-12-16 12:13:09.

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