Time For God

I found that after reading ‘Time For God’ I was determined I would struggle in my personal prayer life. I have wanted to spend a few minutes each day in prayer with our Lord but always found that I was ‘too busy’ and that my prayer was not productive. This book helped me to overcome many struggles faced when trying to deepen my prayer life. It helped me to see that if and when I make time to pray during the day, I have a lot more focus and direction. I found that if we make time for God through prayer, He multiplies our time and makes it fruitful and productive in all areas of our life. 

The author Jacques Philippe uses practical, everyday language to explain how to make oneself available to God. It has had a profound effect on my prayer life and my relationship with God. I highly recommend this book to anyone wanting to make better use of their time for God.

Originally posted 2014-01-31 21:42:23.

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