How To Teach Modesty To Your Kids


Teaching modesty to your children is so important, yet it can be forgotten and misunderstood in today’s world. In this article you will learn the fundamentals of modesty, and how to teach them to the your children.

Firstly, what is Modesty?

Is it wearing a shawl over a sleeve-less dress? Wearing a knee-length skirt? Wearing a t-shirt instead of a singlet?
Although these may be nice examples of modest dressing, Modesty needs to be defined in the attitude that you wear as well as the clothing.

There is a certain responsibility and consideration of others that comes into play when we dress. It is this responsibility that dictates our choices. Our choice to respect ourselves and everyone around us. When you consider how you present yourself actually impacts those around you then you begin to understand the true essence of modesty.

Respecting Men

As women we have a certain responsibility to men when we dress, although we may want to dress fashionably. We need to realise “fashions have changed over time but the minds of men have not.” Says Jason Evert, Why Modesty? (video).

It is important to consider the psychology of men.

Men are most commonly stimulated by the visual, in essence there is nothing wrong with this, although unfortunately this can lead to a certain weakness for the physical. It is important to be careful, as showing a little too much skin, not only can distract men from recognising your inner value it can entice men into lustful thoughts or objectification of women.

On the other hand what you could do is invite and allow them to see beyond your physical attributes. Let them see your personality and get to know and like the person that you are.

When you do this you are respecting yourself, you are respecting all men and you are preserving the precious gift of your body, for your husband.

What if I still want to appear physically beautiful?

Everyone has something about them that is physically beautiful, as well as their inner beauty.

Modest clothing can be elegant and classy and there are so many beautiful modest outfits available. Dressing modestly does not mean looking ugly. An excellent example of fashionable dress combining modesty and beauty is Catherine, Duchess of Cambridge.

Looking beyond clothes, other ways you can express yourself and your physical beauty is hairstyles and make-up. There are endless amounts of ways you can style your hair and countless YouTube tutorials.

You can also use make-up to enhance your natural beauty, without feeling like we ‘need’ make up or going overboard. Using different eye make-up techniques can highlight your eyes and enhance your natural beauty.

Teaching Our Kids:

Teaching our children about modesty can start from the time they start wearing clothes. Both girls and boys can be taught about modesty. Girls; how they dress and why. Boys; respecting girls when they dress modestly and when they don’t. Respecting yourself and valuing the gift you are from God.

Of course, you don’t need to explain all of this to your 2 year old! 

It’s starts out by you buying the clothing and showing your children how to wear it. By being an example in your own dress, and  instilling your values into their lives. So when the time comes for them to buy their own clothes, they will be wise about the choices they make.

In saying that, I’m sure you and your husband will have to pull them up a few times along the way! Even if at the time you’re are “ruining my life” by your intervention , it will show that you believe in their value and you love them.

What are your thoughts on modesty? Do you have any tips on enhancing your natural beauty? How have you explained modesty to your children in the past? Please share your thoughts in the comment section below!

Originally posted 2013-12-01 21:35:47.

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