St John of the Cross ~ Saint Of The Week


St John of the Cross

Feast: 14th December

Patronage:  Contemplative life, mystical theology, mystics, and Spanish poets.

St John of the Cross indeed clung to the foot of the Cross in his sufferings and in his joy. Throughout his life, when he was poor, homeless or thrown into a gaol cell. He was persecuted for his faith, as many of the Saints were.

He learned through working with the sick that it is not in this world where people should search for happiness but in God. He lived a life of serving God, not dwelling in his own sufferings. It would have been easy for his to turn bitter, yet he did not. He had joy in each and every thing he did. 

He spent his remaining time in this temporal life spreading his own experiences of God’s love. He said: “Who has ever seen people persuaded to love God by harshness?” (1). This is a practical quote to remember when speaking of the faith, and something we can take to heart in our day to day life of parenting. St John prayed to God in his darkest moments and felt spiritually dry, yet continued to pray (2). 

He also said beautifully “Where there is no love, put love — and you will find love.” (1). 

St John of the Cross, pray for us. 




Originally posted 2015-03-10 04:40:03.

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