How Do I Do It with SIX Under SIX?


I have six awesome little kiddies, all under the age of six.

A five-year-old boy with mild autism or what I like to call ‘superpowers’, a delightful four-year-old daughter, a very energetic three-year-old boy, mischievous nearly two-year-old twin boys and a precious 6-month old girl.

People often ask me, ‘how do you do it?’, ‘how do you manage that many kids?’.

Here’s how:

1) God’s Grace

I wake up each morning depending and trusting wholly in the grace of God to get me through another day. I am a firm believer that what God has given you and entrusted you with, he has also given you the exact amount of grace necessary to handle it.

This for me is such a comforting thought as when things get overwhelming, I can take a breath, remembering the strength I am given. All of a sudden what I have before me seems very doable.

The only way I get this inner strength and interior peace is through prayer. An interior dialogue with God for at least half an hour a day. When I unload all my problems on Him, they no longer become mine but His. Everything is simple.

2) My Guardian Angels

My beloved guardian angels. I always have a laugh believing that my poor guardian angel and those of all my kids have to work overtime. The number of times I have felt their protection is incredible. Many a time throughout the day, I will call upon my own guardian angel to help me to stay positive, to not let the noise of the household get to me, to keep all my children safe. When things are tough, I visualize six extra angels helping me out. They surely do deliver!

3) A Spirit Of Constant Cheerfulness

To be cheerful when you feel like it is easy. To be cheerful when you don’t feel like it, is hard! Life is tough some days and I remember hearing once that ‘God didn’t promise us an easy life, but a happy one’. I try to smile constantly at my husband and children regardless of whether I feel like it. Smiling, I have found really does improve your mood! Nothing is said in as harsh a tone when smiling. Life is serious enough so I find it really important to constantly lighten the mood and not over dramatize things.

4) To Always See The Positive

In every situation, I always believe there is a positive. I do not like looking at the negative side of things for the only reason that sometimes they never actually happen. There is no point dwelling on and predicting the future when it is completely out of our hands. Sometimes it can be hard to understand why something may have happened to you or your family. Why would God possibly deal this to you? Often, I have found that when I pray and not try to analyze His will but rather accept it, I see the answer.

One of my favourite phrases to repeat throughout the day is, “Jesus, whatever you want, I love!”. It works in any circumstance and brings me a lot of calm and serenity.



Originally posted 2016-10-19 15:00:31.

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