Saint Of The Week – Saint Amelia


Saint Ameliasaintemilia1

Feast day: 10th July

Patronage: Fishermen, farmers, broken arms and bruises.

I chose to write about St Amelia this week as I know a few of our mums have little baby girls named Amelia.

She was martyred at Tavo (region of central Turkey). She was known for having torments inflicted upon her by persecutors. Her persecutors continuously called out the name of Christ until her death, mocking her. 

Other accounts of the saints life recall her and her brother being raised in a devout catholic household. She wished to be a religious sister and had dedicated her virginity to God. Yet due to her beauty the King was attracted to her and asked her to marry him. She refused him. He was angry and persisted with asking her to marry him. One day he grabbed her so hard when she was praying that he broke her arm. Miraculously it healed instantly. He withdrew his request and Amelia prayed for him. Other accounts state her riding off the back of a giant fish.

Saint Amelia, pray for us.

Originally posted 2014-07-15 12:18:19.

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