A Mother’s Cheerfulness


Motherhood is beautiful in so many ways, even though being a mother is a tough job. Some days we can be stretched quite physically, mentally and emotionally.

I do believe it is the mother who ties the family together. With her love, affectionate touch, her spirit of self-giving and her constant service to cater to the needs of those she loves the most.

There are moments when we can lose our patience and serenity for whatever reason. Whether it is lack of sleep, cranky children, messy house or perhaps a negative attitude..

For me personally, it is the never ending messy house! The constant tiding and picking up after the kids and not being ‘on top’ of the mess. In these moments, being cheerful is a struggle and at times, I have to force myself to smile for the sake of my husband and children. If not, days can get overwhelming and I find myself getting into a spiral of becoming agitated at the messy state of the house, agitated at the kids and most of all angry at myself for acting this way.

When we are feeling sad or in a moody state, we are far more open to the temptation that life and motherhood is too difficult. Every demand on us, whether it is being patient with the kids, speaking affectionately to our husband or cooking dinner becomes a drag.

What we have to realize is that only God can fulfill and satisfy our happiness, even though the world tricks us into believing otherwise! We don’t have to see motherhood as a burden, we can realise it is invaluable job that God has entrusted to us.

Here’s the catch! Real happiness does not exclude suffering and the cross. Amidst the never ending piles or laundry, children’s tantrums, sleepless night or unforeseen mishaps, there is joy to be found! It is in accepting and surrendering to the will of God that we find freedom, peace and ultimately joy. Joy that we have been blessed with this beautiful vocation. We get the privilege to glorify God through motherhood. To see each challenging task as an opportunity to shape us into better people.

Each task gives us an opportunity to be more patient, more humble, more giving, more efficient, more graceful and overall more loving. Some days this will be a struggle, other days it may make you smile to know you are doing what God wants, and you can do it cheerfully. When we realise that each element of our vocation is there, on purpose, as a stepping stone to heaven we can complete it with joy in our hearts.

Society may tell us otherwise, that our daily tasks are meaningless and for the simple minded. We know this isn’t true. It is in the commitment to your vocation that you discover true, authentic love. It is only authentic love that can makes us truly happy. Those little sacrifices we come across each day are never empty sufferings. It may be a struggle at times, but we can be a cheerful giver, a cheerful homemaker, a cheerful wife and a cheerful mother.

 “If god is with us, who can be against us?” Romans 8:31. If we never lose our hope and trust in Him, we will always have that deep and lasting joy in God. Remember God never gives you challenges he knows you can’t handle.

Practical tips on how you can live cheerfulness in everyday circumstances:

  • Be satisfied with what God has given you! We need to be grateful and see the blessings in everything he sends to us; in both the joys and those crosses.
  • Forgive yourself during times of impatience or mistakes. We are all trying to be the best mothers and it is important not to judge yourself too harshly.
  • Laugh with your husband and children. Don’t take things too seriously. Keep life simple!
  • Practice self-giving; “Let no one ever come to you without leaving better and happier, be the living expression of God’s kindness; kindness in your face, kindness in your eyes, kindness in your smile.” – Mother Teresa.

We can choose to spend our whole day in service to others and our family. This means joyfully completing our work or patiently dealing with our children without complaining or focusing on how tired we are. Each day, we are blessed with another opportunity to offer our work cheerfully to God. It is this cheerfulness that brings warmth, peace and harmony into our homes.

I love to begin my day praying the “Morning Offering”. This simple yet beautiful prayer can be prayed before you get out of bed each morning, giving to God everything you may encounter during the upcoming day.

Do you have any words of wisdom to help other mums see the beauty in their vocation?

Originally posted 2014-04-28 07:35:11.

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