Meet The Team: Introducing Sarah


Sarah H YCM

Sarah, one of the cofounders of Young Catholic Mums, has been married for ten years and has 5 girls;  1 boy and another on the way!

Where did you grow up?

I grew up in Albury, NSW.

What was your experience of Catholicism growing up?

Despite attending Catholic schools and having parents devoted to the faith, I didn’t quite understand the depths of Catholicism. It wasn’t until I got invited to youth retreats as a teenager I started to realise there must be something more to this religion! There were so many young, faithful kids there and they were passionate about prayer and God, it was a great witness. That’s were the journey began for me. I am so grateful to those people I met during that time, whether or not they are aware, because I would not know what to do without my faith today!

How did you meet your spouse?

At a ball fundraiser for World Youth Day in May 2008, we met through mutual friends.

Where, when did you get married?

We got married in May 2010 at my family parish in Lavington, a suburb of Albury.

What do you love most about being a mum?

That I am “mum” – I get the privilege of being that one and only person to someone. Getting to be home with them is such a joy, to experience those little moments throughout the day, the looks in their eyes, the smiles, the hugs and the funny things they say! It is such a privilege to share these precious, fleeting, moments.

What do you find the most challenging about being a mum?

One of the biggest struggles I think is learning to put yourself last, and doing it with grace and patience.

Why did you start the YCM team?

Jill and I started this purely out of the need for a support system in raising Catholic kids. We felt there was a hole in this area and that support was necessary to do our best as mothers. We knew we needed a ‘village’ so we were sure other mothers did too!

What is your role at YCM?

I am administrator for the website, Facebook Discussion group and Facebook page (scheduling posts in shared with others). I run the Book Club, create graphics and advertising for the website. I am responsible for the communications, troubleshooting and running of the site/email. I also write articles from time to time.

What do you enjoy the most about the YCM network?

Meeting new mums! Giving support and feeling supported by people in a similar boat.

Originally posted 2015-10-05 03:09:44.

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