Make A Coronavirus Care Pack

We might be required to observe a ‘social distance’ at the moment but there’s no reason why we need to maintain a spiritual distance from those we know and love.

Yes, we can still stay connected through various forms of social media but for some members of our community, the simple home phone is the most technologically advanced item in the house.

Rewind the clock to a time when letters and parcels, yes snail mail, were much more frequent and a much more commonplace method of staying in contact.

In other words, make your own Coronavirus Care Pack to send to people you know would appreciate a visit – which we can’t currently do – but would be equally as excited to receive a package in the mail.

Constructing a Care Package

The exact combination of items in your care package is an individual thing, but some ideas are:

  • A handwritten letter or card outlining the reason for and contents of the package
  • An image of Divine Mercy, coloured in by your children, so that the recipient can seal their door
  • A prayer card or printout of a Spiritual Communion prayer
  • Sacrifice beads or Rosary beads
  • A printout of ways they can keep the Sabbath Holy. Some great ideas here
  • A tea bag or coffee sachet so they can have a cuppa ‘with’ you
  • A roll of toilet paper
  • A pack of tissues
  • Pictures, drawings or notes from your children

Do you have any suggestions of other items to add? Share below in the comments.

Originally posted 2020-03-30 04:05:50.

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