Fashion And Pregnancy


When we put on weight we acquire it in places relating to our body type. For instance a woman with a pear shape will put on weight around her hips and thighs first, whereas a woman with an hourglass figure will put on weight in almost mirror image around her chest and hips and a woman with a box shape will thicken around the waist first.

I was not aware of this when I became pregnant with my first child, in fact I didn’t even learn my body type until after my second child, and you can imagine my surprise when the first place I, as a heart shape, put on weight was actually my bosom. I rapidly ascended through cup sizes, much to my displeasure! I was eight weeks pregnant and I felt like Dolly Parton!

Of course, now I realise that this will be the case every time I put on weight, and I have also learned that the first place we put on weight is also the last place we lose it from. Yes, you read that right, first and last. And that last little bit of weight we like to shed is the hardest!

Maternity fashions

Whatever body type you are will not change during pregnancy and post partum, you will just become a more exaggerated version of your body type with a large belly that protrudes in relation to your body type.

As a heart shape for example, my bosom becomes much larger sooner and as I have narrow hips in proportion to my shoulders, my baby belly protrudes in such a way that it really does look like there is a basketball under my shirt. Other women I know with pear shaped bodies have complained that they don’t look pregnant, just thicker around their middle – in other words fat rather than pregnant.

When it comes to maternity and breast feeding fashions it can be very tricky to continue to dress for your body type, especially as those often designing the clothing have differing ideas about modesty.

Revisiting the ‘if you’ve got it flaunt it’ train of thought, a lot of advice for pregnant women wanting to feel ‘attractive’ during their pregnancy is to focus on other areas of their body and showcase them: skinny legs or larger than usual cleavage. Don’t give in to this theory!

Yes, your pregnancy will create another focal point, but what’s not to like about sharing your focus with a growing human being? Continue dressing in accordance with what flatters your body type, your optimum colours and your fashion personality, and if you get bored or frustrated with the limited range of maternity clothing and your own wardrobe during this time remember that accessories are always a great way to show your style and can change an outfit dramatically. A well-chosen scarf here, or statement necklace could just brighten your outfit and your day.


Though we all share the postpartum realities of stretched bellies and tired bodies, as we begin to lose weight after our baby is born we will lose it in regards to our body types. For other body types it seems that the pear shape is able to bounce back quicker into pre-pregnancy clothes, especially clothes, but this is not always the reality.

As a heart shape I find I’m able to get back into my skirts much sooner than any tops or dresses I wore prenatally and I’ve actually ordered my own tops to cater for when I’m my normal size, when I’m breastfeeding and somewhat larger on top, and then there’s my pregnancy tops as well. For the most part these tops, regardless of what stage I’m wearing them, are in darker colours as benefits my body type.

Other body types will have their own issues too. Pear shapes may lose the weight on top and around their waist sooner than the other body types but often it takes them months before they get close to wearing their favourite skirts from pre-pregnancy.

The important thing is not to get discouraged or feel frumpy during or after pregnancy. There is a lot of unrealistic pressure for women to bounce back to amazing pre-pregnancy bodies within days of having given birth. But if you can remember to dress for your body type, personality and optimum colours, even when you might be feeling frumpy on the inside, you will look lovely on the outside.


Originally posted 2014-02-12 09:40:38.

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