Emily Shaw

Emily is a former ACPA award winning editor and journalist turned stay at home mum and blogger. She lives on a farm in regional NSW with her husband and their seven children where she spends the time she should be doing housework reading books, writing and sewing.

In Zelie’s Footsteps

  Its school holidays at the moment and we’re nearing the end of the second, of three weeks, rest from the rigid and demanding school routine. And the kids have been sick the whole time. Master 8 brought a cold home for the holidays, and it gradually infiltrated the rest of the family. Kids fell

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Love In The Laundry Pile

  In March this year we welcomed our fifth child into the clan. And, as with the advent of any newborn, our laundry pile dramatically increased. Jumpsuits, singlets, muslin wraps and bassinet sheets fill our dirty clothes baskets, or soak in our laundry tub, with frightening regularity. Each day at least two loads of washing

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