Apricot Slice


Apricot Slice is one of those ‘all-in-one’ recipes! Very simple and so tasty! Pop it in the fridge and you’ll have a dessert for the kids when they get home from school.

Apricot Slice

It's one of those 'all-in-one' recipes! Very simple and so tasty! Pop it in the fridge and you'll have a dessert for the kids when they get home from school.
Prep Time 10 minutes
Total Time 10 minutes


  • 300 g dried apricots chopped
  • 250 g milk coffee/ arrowroot biscuits crushed
  • 170 g marshmallows chopped
  • 3/4 tin condensed milk
  • 1/2 tsp vanilla essence


  • Line a lamington sized tin.
  • Mix all ingredients together and press into the tin (I placed a layer of plastic wrap when pressing the mixture into the tin otherwise it is very sticky. Use the palm of your hand to press firmly).
  • Refridgerate for a few hours. Cut into squares and serve.


Crush each arrowroot into approximately 10 pieces.
Chop each apricot into approximately 6 pieces.
Drizzle with white chocolate or dessicated coconut before refridgerating (Optional)

Originally posted 2014-09-17 22:51:46.

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