7 Simple Relaxation Techniques For Mums




Sometimes we would like that short rest or time of relaxation. With children out and about, this time to ourselves can be difficult to get. Try out some of these techniques. They only take several minutes but will do wonders to relax your mind and body.


Stand with your feet shoulder length apart and stretch your arms out sideways, then straight up to the sky. Make sure your fingers are spread out. Wiggle your fingers. Take a deep breath. Rotate your shoulders clowckwise then anticlockwise. Stretch your arms to the side again. Take another deep breath.

Hot cup of Tea

I love a soothing cup of tea when i’m feeling a bit tense or it has been a long day with the kids. Som hot tea can really bring on a bit of calm. Choose a blend that offers a soothing aroma such as Earl Grey or made of relaxing herbs such as chamomile.

Refreshing face cloth

Drip a few drops of oil (I personally use rosemary, eucalyptus, or lavender) onto a warm, damp face cloth. Wipe your face slowly a few times. This can be great after a really exhausting day.

Out and about

Take a short walk, if you can’t manage this with kids, take a step outside anyway. The fresh air will relax and rejuvenate you. A little sunshine can also boost your mood!

Enjoy a massage

This is my personal favourite, getting my hubby to give me a 10-minute massage! Teach him how to work the areas around your  head, neck, shoulders, back and arms (you may have to give him a massage first to demonstrate). It is also really great bonding time with one another.

Relaxing for Sleep:

Focus on imagery

Imagine yourself some place you would love to be. This can be any place that is special and relaxing to you  (lying on a warm, sandy beach or sitting beside a flowing stream). Close your eyes and visualize every detail in the scene. This may take some practice at first, but very soon you’ll start to relax your mind and body and drift back to sleep.

Control your breathing

Close your mouth and breathe slowly through your nose. Hold for one second before exhaling through your nose to the count of four. Repeat until you feel your body relax. I use this technique a lot after I wake to feed my baby and find it difficult to fall back to sleep.

What are some techniques you use to relax yourself during the day? Please share them with us!




Originally posted 2013-11-11 04:26:53.

2 thoughts on “7 Simple Relaxation Techniques For Mums”

  1. Thanks for this – was looking specifically for Catholic ideas to relaxation but the first thing listed is yoga which Catholics should not take part in as it is worshipping a false god. The Vatican has a document called ‘Jesus Christ the bearer of the water of life’ which details new age concepts we should avoid and yoga is listed. Also check out Women of Grace website they give very god information on this. God Bless

    1. Hi Valerie, thanks for your comment. This is an old article written before knowledge of this had reached this particular contributor. Your comment has inspired us to rewrite this article with a new take! Stay tuned. God bless!

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