10 Tips For Keeping Peace In The Home

Isn’t it true that so many big arguments begin with small comments?

Have you started a conversation on friendly terms, then wound up in some kind of dispute that you didn’t anticipate?

Consider these helpful tips:

1)   Is it a good time?

Think about whom you are speaking to and whether it is a good time to be addressing an issue. Has your husband just walked in the door after a long day at work? Try not to overwhelm him with your day with the kids!

2)   Value Someone’s Opinion

Don’t interrupt when a person is speaking. Do not put down an idea, instead offer your suggestion or opinion and always speak your mind in a pleasant way. There is no need to be defensive or rude.

3)   I’m sorry you’re upset/ I’ve hurt you

Learn to say you are sorry. Avoid that ‘silent treatment’. It is not healthy in a relationship. Take some time to ‘cool off’ from the argument or issue if necessary then make peace as soon as possible.

4)   Be Silent

Sometimes this is necessary to avoid making a situation worse. Bite your tongue and hold back that unpleasant remark or comment.

5)   Husband/ Wife unity

If you have unity together, you will have peace in your heart, and your children will know peace. Always give most attention to your husband first then your children. Don’t let the kids take over your life; always make time for your husband through little acts of love, focusing on those details in loving each other.

6)   Order your Home

If you want peace, do things that will bring order and peace. Ensure your home is always clean, tidy and presentable.

7)   Always be Affectionate

Learn to love your husband and children a lot. Always exercise patience and understanding and be ready to offer a kind word. Remember, sometimes one need to have a smiling face around!

8)   Learn to be Selfless

As a mother, we are already very giving of ourselves and our time. Remember the more giving you are of yourself and your time, the happier you will be.  

9)   Avoid “never, ever, and always”

All too often our husband and children hear these types of demeaning generalizations: “You never consider how I feel.” “You’re always late.” “When will you ever accept responsibility?” Let’s try to be more positive instead!

10) Fix your sight on God

You will then know how to keep calm in the face of worries. Forget petty things, jealousies and envies and you will save a lot of energy.


Real Simple Life Made Easier

Originally posted 2013-10-30 09:11:09.

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