YCM Catholic Detective Short Story Competition



Do you enjoy reading detective fiction? Have you ever considered writing your own?

We’re running a short story competition to find some new Catholic Detectives and, well, just have a little fun writing and reading some fiction.

The rules and conditions follow below. Essentially we’re just looking for short stories that are Catholic Detective fiction but they don’t have to be gritty forensic tales. Fun mishaps or adventures will do just as well.

The rules:

Your story must feature a Catholic Detective as the protagonist (main character).

It cannot exceed 2,000 words in length.

Entries must be submitted as a Word document in Times New Roman, 12pt font, 1.5 line spacing and emailed to emily@youngcatholicmums.com with the subject: YCM Catholic Detective Short Story Competition.

Your name and a brief author bio should be included in the body of your email as well as the title of your story and the word count, and the part of our online community you belong to.

Your name should not appear anywhere in your short story document.

Entries must be received by 5pm September 30, 2017.

Entrants must be a member of the online YCM network (follow the main YCM Facebook page, subscribe to our emails, or a member of the Facebook prayer and support group) except for family of the YCM team and the YCM admin team itself.


A shortlist of 5 finalists (more if it’s close, as judged by the YCM team) will be judged by an independent judge in the publishing industry.


The winner will receive a copy of The Sleeping Witness by Fiorella de Martin, and Father Brown and the Ten Commandments by G.K. Chesterton, a collection selected and edited by John Peterson.

The winning entry, and the shortlisted stories, will be published on the YCM website.      


Originally posted 2017-07-06 15:00:10.

Share your thoughts below!