What It Really Means To Be Pro Life


It might be the battle cry of the anti-abortion ‘protestors’ that pray outside the local abortion mill, but describing yourself as pro-life is far from just your stance on this one issue.

Pro-life ideology and Catholicism go hand in hand, and if you’re going to label yourself as being pro-life then you need to:

Respect Life in all its guises– from the moment of conception right through to death from natural causes, you recognise and respect the dignity of life. We believe that life begins at conception [cf. Catechism of the Catholic Church 2270] and that everyone has the right to live and the right to dignity.


A foetus (a Latin word meaning offspring, by the way) is a new life and should not be treated as anything less than that. Nor can you reduce an embryo to a product for stem cell research without devaluing its humanity and its dignity as such.

Nor can you terminate a pregnancy because the baby is disabled, or euthanise an elderly or infirm person, even if your motive is to alleviate their suffering [cf. CCC 2274, 2275 and 2276 ].

Be Open To Life – If I had a dollar for the number of times I’ve been asked post baby ‘are you stopping now?’ I’d be a millionaire. Our culture is one that doesn’t see children as a gift but a burden. Pope Francis calls us to embrace the unselfishness of welcoming children.


The Sacrament of Marriage and responsible parenthood calls us to be open to the gift of children [cf. CCC 1664]; Natural Family Planning provides us with the opportunity to delay pregnancy where a grave, serious or just impediment may intervene, but it is not intended to avoid pregnancy altogether. If you do not fit into the category where it would be prudent to delay a pregnancy [see here for more info] then you are called to accept the gift of children willingly and lovingly whether that’s one child, four or even twelve.

Stopping at a predetermined number or deliberately preventing pregnancy for selfish reasons is decidedly not pro-life.

Vote For Life – Every election matters and none more so than today when a culture of death is so prevalent in our society. Yes, our new Federal Government has been elected, but were your choices this time around for Pro-Life candidates? Are you sure? Become informed on the policies of the political parties and make sure you vote for candidates that will take a stand on these issues.

Build a culture of Life – If you’re going to talk the talk, you need to walk the walk. Perhaps you don’t live in an area where you can join in prayer outside abortion clinics, but there are a number of other ways in which you can still help the pro-life movement in a hands-on, practical way. Donate pre-loved baby items to organisations who support women facing unplanned or crisis pregnancy, become a foster carer or consider adopting Australian children who need a loving home. Visit nursing homes and hospitals to show the patients that they are loved and not forgotten. Volunteer with disability support services or donate financially where you can.


Defend Life – opportunities to do this might appear in simple conversations with friends and family, or in the broader community. The whole point of defending life is that we who are stronger help those who are weaker than us. You don’t have to be like Anthony of Padua, the ‘Hammer of the Heretics’ or punch your opponent in the face like Saint Nicholas, but you are called to speak up, even if you feel as though no one is listening to you.

Pray for life – Prayer can be so powerful and yet we often overlook this simple act in favour of ‘doing something’. Become a spiritual warrior; pray, fast and work for life.


Being pro-life is more than simply believing that abortion is morally wrong. If you are pro-life, it should infiltrate every area of your life; because each and every life is precious and full of dignity.


Originally posted 2016-09-01 15:00:16.

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