Psalm 2:7-8; Ephesians 2:14-20
7 I will proclaim the decree of Yahweh: He said to me, ‘You are my son, today have I fathered you.8 Ask of me, and I shall give you the nations as your birthright, the whole wide world as your possession.
14For he is the peace between us, and has made the two into one entity and broken down the barrier which used to keep them apart, by destroying in his own person the hostility,15 that is, the Law of commandments with its decrees. His purpose in this was, by restoring peace, to create a single New Man out of the two of them,16 and through the cross, to reconcile them both to God in one Body; in his own person he killed the hostility.
17 He came to bring the good news of peace to you who were far off and peace to those who were near.18 Through him, then, we both in the one Spirit have free access to the Father.19 So you are no longer aliens or foreign visitors; you are fellow-citizens with the holy people of God and part of God’s household.20 You are built upon the foundations of the apostles and prophets, and Christ Jesus himself is the cornerstone.
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Bible Translation: The New Jerusalem Bible (NJB)
Originally posted 2015-12-22 01:00:27.