Temperament Quiz

1. Your sister and her husband have announced that they’re pregnant, you:

a. Squeal with excitement and spend the next day shopping for baby things

b. Congratulate them and offer some practical advice

c. Kiss and hug the couple then move on to the next conversation

d. Congratulate them and later mull over the blessing of children

2. Your parish needs volunteers, you:

a. Join parish council and run for president

b. Think about it but decide to stay detached

c. Consider it and offer to read at Sunday Mass

d. Offer your services and help for a bit before leaving

3. At work you:

a. Throw yourself 100% at your work and blame others for mistakes

b. Persevere at your own pace

c. Complete your work but lack confidence in your abilities

d. Work is work, you live for morning tea and lunch and the social aspect

4. In your romantic relationships, you:

 a. Enforce and abide by strict courtship rules, having your goal set at marriage

b. Keep things at a measured pace, with each step well thought out

c. Find it hard to open up and express your feelings

d. Have trouble with purity, the allure of pleasure hard to resist

5. When someone says something hurtful to you, you:

a. React angrily, trading blows and hold a grudge forever

b. Shrug it off and bear no grudge

c. Are ok at first, but become more depressed as time goes by

d. Get angry, but after a minute you cool down, laugh it off and bear no ill will

6. When something doesn’t work out the way you planned, you:

a. Blame others and criticise them for their mistakes

b. Shake it off, better luck next time

c. Lose confidence in yourself and feel inadequate, it’s all your fault

d. Get upset at first, but quickly recover and move on to the next project

7. Your idea of ‘dream jobs’ are:

a. CEOs, Prime Minister,

 b. Scientists, Diplomats, Researchers

c. Inventors, Professors, Philosophers

d. Artists, Musicians, Actors

8. Your friends would describe you as:

a. Enthusiastic, smart, determined and confident

b. Relaxed, practical, compassionate and lacking in ambition

c. Reserved, intelligent, loyal and meticulous

d. Creative, optimistic, fun loving and sensitive


If your answers were mostly A’s you are a choleric, like St Paul

You are a doer. You have lots of ambition, enthusiasm and passion and you try to encourage others but you can come off as both inspiring and intimidating. You like to be a leader, in charge of everything and have good self confidence. You need to work on fostering the virtue of humility and patience as pride and anger are the two biggest negatives of this driven temperament.

If your answers were mostly B’s you are phlegmatic, like St Thomas Aquinas

You’re a self content person. You are accepting of other people, kind and compassionate though you also tend to be shy and resist change in your life. You’re relaxed, however you’re also curious and observant. You need to work on being active. Phlegmatics tend to take things so easy that they become lazy. So learn how to summon your energies and emotions.

If your answers were mostly C’s you are melancholic, like St Therese of Lisieux

You’re a deep thinker. You mull over everything before making any decisions and tend to be a perfectionist. You have trouble expressing your emotions but when you’re in love, you never stray or cool your passion. You need to increase your courage so as to prevent falling into despair or sadness through postponing decisions and projects. You are a capable person, so take that leap of faith.

If your answers were mostly D’s you are sanguine, like Saint Peter

You are the life of the party. You’re optimistic, cheerful and creative and can get along with everyone. You possess common sense however you are easily swayed by your peers. You are sensitive and compassionate and have many friends. However, you are prone to the superficial and place a lot of value on the external. Without some self imposed discipline, you can fall prey to the vices of gluttony and lust.

Click here to read our article on the temperaments.

Originally posted 2013-11-09 05:48:44.

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  1. Pingback: Your guide to the temperaments : Young Catholic Mums

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