“The Temperament God Gave You” By Art & Laraine Bennett – Book Review

This book is by far the best book I have read on the temperaments. It goes into the details of every temperament, including primary and secondary temperaments combinations, parent/child temperament combinations, husband/wife temperament combinations and more. Including how they should best relate to each other, how to motivate one another and communicate love.

Art & Laraine explain that your temperament is your natural inclination, but you also have your “character” (your learned characteristics). One thing I really appreciated about this book was how it reiterated that you are not limited to your natural tendencies nor are you to use them as an excuse for your behaviour. It explains each temperaments strengths and weaknesses and offers each, areas of improvement; socially, relationally and spiritually.

This book is a fantastic tool for self knowledge and offers invaluable insights key to improving your relationships.

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Originally posted 2014-06-04 03:13:44.

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