St Valentine – Saint of the Week


St Valentine 

Feast: 14 February

Patronage: Marriages 

With all the attacks on the institution of marriage, St Valentine is one to call upon in our times of need. His story is not what the world thinks. If the people of the world knew his strong convictions of Christian marriage, I wonder if they would still buy a Valentine card? 

St Valentine was a dedicated priest who died defending Christian marriage. The Emperor at the time, as is often repeated through history, was persecuting Christians.  Although this time it was due to Emperor Claudis thinking that when at war, single men fought better then married men who, he thought, were conscious not to die in order to keep providing for their families back home. Therefore he did not permit young people to get married. Valentine fought for young marriages, and marriages in general. 

He was eventually beaten, stoned and decapitated for the Faith. 

We can all draw strength from this great Saint and realize that it is not only today in our modern world that the sacrament of marriage is under threat. 

If you are interested in finding out more, below is a great article on our St Valentine.

St Valentine, pray for us. 





Originally posted 2015-02-17 11:00:28.

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