St Isabel of France


Saint Isabel of France

Feast: 23rd February

Patronage: sick and needy

St Isabel of France lived a virtuous life, born in 1125. She had a devotion to the Franciscan Order and way of life. Isabel developed a strong conviction to practice and exercise a devotion to piety, modesty and virtues. Through her life she rejected the hand of marriage to a noble royal and committed herself to Christ.  She vowed to remain a virgin.  She founded a convent of the well known Order of St Clare. This convent was named the Monastery of the Humility of the Blessed Virgin and based on the rule of the Order of St Clare. Interestingly, Isabel never became a nun, although lived by the Orders Rules. She lived her life serving humbly the sick, needy and most vulnerable in society.

St Isabel of France, pray for us. 




Originally posted 2015-02-24 13:27:05.

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