St Hilary – Saint Of The Week


St Hilary of Poitiers 

Feast: January 14th

Patronage: Bishop, Confessor, Doctor of the Church

St Hilary was born into a noble family and became Bishop of Poitiers, hence his name. Not originally a Christian, he converted to Catholicism when he tried to find a deeper meaning to life. St Hilary fought against those denying the faith and ended up in exile for four years after his campaign. In defending the faith he tried to stop people from thinking in the ways of the world, that of pleasure seeking and selfishness. He had experienced that humans were meant to live a good virtuous life and that they are made for so much more than earthly pleasure.

St Hilary performed miracles such as raising a man from the dead amongst others. 

What struck me most about St Hilary was his desire for others to share a good holy life. He not only wanted himself to live a holy life but wished to share this with all, this was very Christ like. 

He is well known for his writings. He wrote twelve books in total on the trinity. St Jerome testified that St Hilary’s writings had no fault to them. He was known to have “Few equals in teaching and eloquence”(1).


St Hilary, pray for us. 

Reference list:

(1) (Taken from The Hours of the Divine Office in English and Latin, Vol. I: Advent to Passion Sunday (Collegeville, Minnesota: The Liturgical Press, 1963), pp. 1690).


Originally posted 2015-01-13 09:22:42.

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