10 Tips On How To Speed Clean


Strapped for time? We are mums of course we are strapped for time! Here are 10 great tips to help you get organised and get the most amount of cleaning done in the shortest amount of time!

1. Keep Supplies Together:

Have quick easy access to your tools and supplies.

2. Have some Cleaning Music:

Use some funky tunes to help you to move more quickly, all while giving you the feeling of fun. Might even get some exercise done!

3. Least Favorite Room First:

The room you always leave until last is the best one to start in. Do the most difficult and annoying areas of your house at the beginning, when you are most motivated.

4. Don’t Clean Just To Clean:

Don’t waste time cleaning things that don’t need to be cleaned. If your pantry is still spotless from last week’s cleaning, then why bother moving everything around to clean it?

5. Top To Bottom:

Always start cleaning at the top of a surface, and work your way down. This allows you to avoid dripping cleaner, or settling dust over surfaces that have already been cleaned.

6. Clean As You Go:

When you see a mess, clean it up. This can be as simple as grabbing a handful of items that belong upstairs when we know we’re heading upstairs anyway. It also includes wiping up spills and splatters before they have the chance to harden. Cleaning as you go will save you a lot of time in the long run.

7. Dry To Wet:

Do your dry cleaning, dusting, wiping down, etc. first. Next, move to your wet cleaning. The more you can take care of with a dry cloth, the less streaking, spreading of dirt.

8. Don’t Overuse Cleaners:

As Mums, we tend to like to use a lot of cleaning products thinking this makes our homes clean. Too much cleaner can actually damage the surfaces in our home.

9. Put Supplies Away:

So that you’ll be ready for your next speed cleaning session, make sure that all of your tools are put away neatly. They’ll be ready for you the next time you decide to speed clean.


Timer as Motivation

Set the timer for 10-15 minutes. Clean until the timer goes off, and move on to something else. Knowing that you only have to clean for 10-15 minutes will help you go more quickly and with a better attitude.

Timer to Help Children Clean

Kids generally hate to clean and put away their toys. Try setting the timer for 3-5 minutes. This can then take place several times a day because they are only short amounts of time.

Rotate your cleaning

Don’t get too caught up in one room, It’s amazing how one 5 minute session in each room can make most rooms completely presentable, and basically clean.

Hope these tips helped you, if you have any more tips that help you please leave them in the comments below!


About.Com/ Housekeeping

Originally posted 2013-10-30 09:22:17.

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