Saint Of The Week – Saint Zita

Saint Zita9_14_notburga

Feast 27th April

Patronage: Maids and Domestic Servants

It was the name again which drew me to this saint. Zita. St Zita was born into a very poor family and at the young age of twelve was sent to work as a maid for the Fatinelli family. You would expect her story to expand to her escape and miracles performed and her joining an order yet this was not the case. Zita simply died as a maid to this same Fatinelli family years later.

Although within her time working as a maid she performed all her tasks and chores to the best of her ability, one source stipulating that she was scrupulous and earned the trust of the Fatinelli family. For this she was disliked and mistreated by the other servants. Despite this she always saw the good in others always, exchanging their bad for good. She used Christian virtues within the simplicity of her life. For this she is recognised as a Saint and was canonized in 1969.

She can be a true inspiration to many of us, living our ordinary lives. How simply doing the best of ability in the challenges our lives present us and practicing christian virtues, we too can be saints.

Originally posted 2014-04-29 03:04:05.

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