Saint Of The Week – Saint Catherine of Alexandria

St.-Catherine-of-Alexandria-largeFeast: Monday 25th 2013

Saint Catherine of Alexandria.

Saint Catherine is an extraordinary Saint.  She is one of the fourteen Holy Helpers; her voice was one of the voices heard by St Joan of Arc.

Catherine was blessed with a vision of the Virgin Mary holding the Child Jesus at a young age, which was when she became Catholic.

This remarkable Saint was only eighteen years of age when she stood up to Emperor Maxentius and his arguments could not be won against Saint Catherine’s responses. Catherine was guided by Christ.

Have there been times where you have let Christ fight your battles and won?

I feel this would take humility and faith. Saint Catherine was thrown in gaol and through her sufferings and imprisonment she converted 200 soldiers, as well as Emperor Maxentius’ wife.

She was later beheaded, but not before she was condemned to death by the spinning wheel, but the spikes flew off and killed individuals whom were watching Saint Catherine’s death.

She is the patron of Christian philosophers and young girls. Catherine was a strong woman, whom had a fierce faith in God.

She would be an ideal Saint to pray through for the intersession of any young girls we know, whom we don’t know and whom are finding the faith.

Saint Catherine of Alexandria, Pray for us.

Originally posted 2013-11-26 03:06:29.

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