Saint Of The Week – Saint Caspar

saintg9xSaint Caspar

FEAST:  January 2nd

Saint Caspar was one of the Founders of Missionaries of the Precious Blood. He was ordained as a priest in 1808, where he was shortly exiled from Rome for his beliefs. He spent five years in exile then returned to Rome, which had been wiped out of priests and sacraments for the whole duration of the exile. Saint Caspar was a strong man, of great intelligence. Upon his return to Rome he sent out for any materials, such as books etc that were offending to God and he ordered them all to be burnt.

He was canonized in 1954 and many graces have been obtained by his intercession. It was very difficult to find out what Caspar is traditionally patron of, although this does not stop anyone for praying through the intercession of Saint Caspar.

We can look to Saint Caspar as an example of fortitude and strength. Not afraid to stand up for his beliefs nor put them into action.

Originally posted 2014-01-08 02:55:37.

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