Saint Of The Week – Saint Brigid Of Ireland

300_St_Brigid_of_KildareSt Brigid of Ireland

Feast Day: February 1st

Patroness: Ireland and Students

Little is known of Saint Brigid of Ireland, although we do know she was friends with Saint Patrick. What’s that saying about the company you keep? Did your mother ever say something like; “the people you hang around with will be who you become”

St Brigid was a nun and worked through her life devoted to others. She founded a school which was specifically for the arts which was co-founded by another great Saint, St Conleth.  

She was also the founder of many different monasteries of nuns in Ireland. She was known to have performed many miracles; some which involved healing and feeding of the poor as well as miracles concerning the domestic task of the everyday woman. One source comments on a story of how Brigid gave her mother’s whole collection of butter to the poor and through prayer to God her mother’s butter source was replenished.

Saint Brigid’s feast day is the 1st February, and she is the patroness of Ireland (with St Patrick and St Columba) and of Students.  




Originally posted 2014-02-04 02:44:46.

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