Saint Of The Week – Saint Anastasia

Feast day: 25th December

Saint Anastasia

st-anatasiaAnastasia was an incredible Saint. Full of the joy of the Lord.

At the beginning of her life her Father was a pagan whilst her Mother was a Christian. Her Mother had Anastasia secretly baptised. Anastasia grew up as a secret Christian, although was later married to a pagan noble man named Publius. Publius loved Anastasia although he had discovered her acts of piety and then became a cruel and evil tyrant controlling her life.

Anastasia kept her faith for the Lord and would rejoice in her sufferings. Her joy was found in her sufferings and she was pleased that she could suffer for the love of Christ. After the death of Publius, Saint Anastasia was able to continue her mission, and consoled imprisoned Christians.

Anastasia was friends with Saint Chrysogonus, and hurried to be by his side when he was imprisoned. She was instructed to convert as many pagans to the faith as possible. She continued her faithful mission until she was martyred and burnt to death for her faith. She told an emperor “I am a Christian, and am anxious to die for Jesus Christ. From me thou shalt never get any other answer.” (excerpts taken from Victories of the Martyrs,” by St. Alphonsus de Liguori).

Her strength and love for Christ is amazing. Her ability to be anxious to die for Christ at any cost to her own life is beyond some peoples comprehension. She was an extraordinary Saint with such as burning passion to live her life for God.  

Today in our society, we may not be called to literally die for Christ as many of the Saints did historically (back when Christians were killed for being Christian). But you may need to sacrifice your popularity and social standing, which can turn society against you. This is a tricky task, and going against the tide can be challenging. So, we ask through the intersession of Saint Anastasia to pray for us in our journey to becoming Saints in our modern society.

Originally posted 2013-12-22 22:25:20.

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