Saint Thomas – Saint Of The Week


Saint Thomas of IndiaSt.-Thomas

Feast: 3rd July

Patronage: Architects, India

Saint Thomas was one of the twelve apostles. Some call him “doubting Thomas”. I know personally I can really relate to Thomas. It’s tough believing and trusting God sometimes, yet with his help (only) we can be strengthened and believe in the unseen.

Although sometimes we do need help, just like Thomas.

Thomas did not believe Christ had resurrected until he saw the nail holes in his palms. Thomas unwillingly did not believe what the other apostles had ‘seen and heard’. This is something we can all relate to sometimes. We doubt other people before we see proof ourselves. Sometimes we demand proof just like Thomas. Whilst in Adoration last week, I read some short reflections. One I came across was “God, help my unbelief”. This prayerful mantra stuck with me and I found it spiritually helpful with my belief.

From the New Testament we can understand that Thomas was present with Christ at the Lake which the miraculous catch of fish happened. Then again at the resurrection when Thomas placed his fingers in the wounds of Christ confirming that Christ had resurrected. Thomas then proclaimed “My Lord, and My God” significantly showing the Divinity of Christ.  

After the resurrection of Christ, Thomas was sent to evangelize and travelled as far as India.

Saint Thomas, pray for us.



Originally posted 2014-06-30 10:44:22.

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