Saint Rose of Lima

Saint Rose of Lima (1586-1617)

Feast: 23rd August

Patronage: South America and Gardeners

Saint Rose was born in Lima, Peru, one of ten children whom grew up in great poverty. Named Isabel del Flores y del Olivia at birth, which was shortly changed to Rose as she was such a beautiful baby. Her mother would parade her around showing off her beauty. One source says (2) that Rose’s mother changed her babys name because one day when she had friends over for a visit a rose appeared next to the baby Isabel and touched her face and then vanished again.

The story of St Rose is a beautiful one, showing how one rejects the superficial beauty of this world for the love of Jesus. Her beauty made her sad, she did not want people to be tempted by her beauty or distract them from Jesus. Many times she would disfigure herself by rubbing pepper over her face, or once she had a wreath of flowers on her head which her mother made her wear and she stuck a pin in the wreath making the wreath difficult to detached from her scalp.

Her love for Jesus was so deep that she refused her parents attempts to get her to marry. She took a vow of virginity. She suffered throughout her life, from loneliness and the feeling of distance between herself and God. She pleaded with God to increase her sufferings so that she could become closer to him. St Rose also suffered physically from illnesses.

Rose was inspired by the works of Saint Catherine of Siena and cared for the sick and lonely. She would take care of the sick, provide home grown medicines and convert the Indians to the faith. She worked constantly assisting others throughout her days and would practice penance and prayer at night.

She is now depicted wearing a wreath of roses on her head.

St Rose of Lima, pray for us.


Originally posted 2014-08-19 04:14:12.

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