Saint Of The Week – Saint Peter Damian


St Peter Damian (c.1001-1072)

Feast Day: 23rd February2_21_peter_damian

St Peter Damian began life in tragedy when both his parents died at a young age, and he was brought up by his older sibling. His brother treated him worse than slave like, which made another one of his brothers, Father Damian, take great pity on him and decided to send him to school away from his wicked older brother.

By beginning life in this way, St Peter Damian’s faith developed and grew more and more prayerful and humble. He would feed the poor from his own table and became very self-disciplined throughout his schooling and later life.

He became a priest and later cardinal bishop of Ostia, which was when he wrote and corresponded to the Pope and other figures of importance and power urging for change.

St Peter Damian is a doctor of the church. He was most well-known for his sternness in fighting abuses and the immoralities of life throughout his appointment as Bishop.

Originally posted 2014-02-25 02:21:39.

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