Saint Of The Week – Saint Matilda

Saint MatildaSaint_Matilda

Feast: 14th March

Patroness of: Large families

St Matilda was an inspirational saint. As patroness of large families, she was remarkable for her role as wife to Henry of Saxony, as mother to five children; of which one became a saint. A woman of great faith, Matilda’s husband claimed the only reason they had success and won in battle was due to her prayers.

Henry died a little while after the birth of the couples fifth child. Soon after he died Matilda gave her worldly jewels and possessions to a priest. She was persecuted by the emperor (her eldest son) as well as her youngest son and she escaped the country. She later returned as her eldest child (the emperor) was ill and he was seeking her forgiveness. She forgave, as Christ forgives and continued her missionary work by caring for the poor and constructing convents.

Matilda was a prayerful woman, as many mothers I have known, seem to be. My own mother as well as my mother in law are classic examples of mothers whom spend a lot of their time praying. I recall one of them mentioned once how many nights she had stayed awake praying for her children. Especially when they were in high school and while they were out at parties or social events. I am positive her prayers never went unheard or unanswered.

 Do you ever worry about things you needn’t worry about? I have found that I can turn my unnecessary worry into a positive action through prayer. When I worry, I am trying to train myself to prayer instantaneously. It is a constant battle, although through prayer, fasting and alms giving throughout Lent I am sure I will be strengthened by the cross of Christ.

Let us ask St Matilda to join us in this type of prayer, as through her life she would have understood a mothers and wives unnecessary worry. It’s a human trait, which can be purified through Christ.

Saint Matilda, pray for us.  


Originally posted 2014-03-11 02:15:15.

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