Saint Of The Week – Saint Francis Xavier

Saint Francis XavierSt-Francis-Xavier-3 (1506-1552)

December 3rd Feast Day

Saint Francis Xavier is the patron Saint of priests and foreign missions. He was a great missionary in the history of the church from Spain.

Upon his missions, Saint Francis Xavier had to face sea sickness, the immorality of unfaithful Christians, violent raiders, inadequate funds and open opposition although this did not stop his abilities to convert thousands of people over large vast countryside. He used his kind, gentle and sweet nature to aid his conversation mission and baptise thousands.

Along his travels he became friends with St Ignatius Loyola. This is significant to realise and take note, as many of the Saints had friends who were Saints.  God places special people in our lives for a reason. Could we have friends who are Saints in heaven? Imagine the conversations these Saints would of had. Living the faith, the encouragement they would of received when going through both physical and spiritual struggles, would of been a such a support.

 We spend lots of time with our friends, these may be our husbands, girlfriends, cousins, sisters, sister-in-laws, whom all can be influential characters in our lives. Why not keep a couple of saintly friends in our close confidence? Whom can help us in; deepening our faith, growth in charity, spiritual nourishment, and to remind us to keep a beatific vision in everything we do.

Then in turn, do the same for our friends.




Originally posted 2013-12-03 02:47:59.

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